
Our tools and technology help you drive more revenue.

Empowering publishers with monetization and control, while accelerating innovation through open source and enterprise tools.


BRAVE specializes in using Artificial Intelligence to drive marketing results.
We use multiple data centers around the world to minimize latency and ensure a seamless consumer experience. This gives us full control over our auction capacity and speed to respond to bid requests, creating operational efficiencies that boost performance and lower costs across the supply chain.

AUTO-Throttling Mechanism

Our predictive intelligence engine allows us to accurately and efficiently facilitate millions of transactions per second. BRAVE uses machine learning to help ensure it sends only relevant and valuable impression opportunities to DSPs, and to enhance signaling and price guidance for smarter buyer decisioning.


Whether it is optimising OpenRTB bid requests for open market parallel bidding or packaging inventory for private deals and marketplaces, BRAVE’s platform offers a wide range of options to meet the media owners